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Retirement Planning

A primary financial goal for most Canadians is to save for retirement, but each individual’s needs are unique. At Innova, our advisors take the time to analyze your entire financial profile in order to build a truly personalized retirement plan that ensures the best use of every dollar.

A comprehensive analysis is the corner-stone of any successful retirement plan. Using cutting-edge software, our advisors complete a detailed needs analysis to assess your current expenses and forecasts future ones while allowing for inflation. An exhaustive risk assessment is also completed to ascertain the longevity of the retirement plan. By analyzing all aspects of your finances, maximizing the tax efficiency of inflows and minimizing outflows, an efficient savings plan can be implemented.

Once the savings plan is in place, we complete a retirement feasibility assessment to determine the likelihood of reaching your goals in various stock market scenarios.  Identifying the required rate of return needed to meet your retirement goals becomes the foundation of your investment strategy.

Our in-depth analysis will help ensure that you are not taking more risk in your investments than you need to, in turn safeguarding your golden years.

Start Planning Today!